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Bio short

Eva Deli is a consultant in brain physics and cognitive science research. She is the author of the 2015 book, ‘The Science of Consciousness’ and coauthor of ‘Is Reality a Simulation?’ published in 2018. She writes a popular blog called ‘The science of consciousness.’ Her coherent approach toward consciousness, emotions, and behavior was aided by her extensive background in molecular biology research and the arts.

Bio longer

Eva Deli is an independent scholar and a consultant in brain physics and cognitive science research. Working in solitude for six years, she formulated a new physical worldview, which is summarised in her 2015 self-published book, The Science of Consciousness. She is also the coauthor of ‘Is Reality a Simulation?’ published in 2018, and she writes a popular blog ‘The science of consciousness.’ Her coherent approach toward consciousness, emotions, and behavior was aided by her extensive background in molecular biology research, experience in publishing in scientific journals and education in the arts.

Bio longest

Eva Deli is an independent scholar and a consultant in brain physics and cognitive science research. Working in solitude for six years, she formulated a new physical worldview, which is summarised in her 2015 self-published book, The Science of Consciousness. She is also the coauthor of ‘Is Reality a Simulation?’ published in 2018, and she writes a popular blog ‘The science of consciousness.’ Eva grew up in communist Hungary. Changing her country in her mid-twenties allowed her to gain an appreciation for the freedom and opportunities found in the United States. Her extensive background in molecular biology research and scientific writing aided her systematic approach toward consciousness, emotions, and behavior. Eva is also an accomplished visual artist. Her visual acuity and esthetics inform her imagination to make ideas accessible in a reader-friendly way by using Photoshop. Over 30 carefully crafted black and white illustrations bring her ideas come to life for her readers. Moving at the transsection of spirituality, science, the arts, cultures, especially her early experience with communism, gave her a rare intellectual background for her work. To form a model of consciousness, the most complex system known, she examined analogies between cognitive processes and physical systems. She has found that consciousness operates by simple physical principles, and consciousness an organic part of existence and the physical world. Her convincing argument uncovers the brain as a self-regulating system, motivated by forces, called emotions. Thus, we cannot control our emotions, but we can master them.

Contact info: Eva Deli eva.kdeli@gmail.com (507) 279-8370

Q&A tip sheet

How did you get involved with consciousness science?

My earliest intuition was the recognition that people hold onto relationships as gravity holds onto matter. I started with this simple idea, and it took seven years of solitary work to finish my first book.

What is your motivation for writing this book?

After the publication of my first book consciousness research became a mainstream science. Brain initiative programs in countries, such as the US, Europe, Japan, China, have poured a massive amount of funds toward the understanding of consciousness. The burgeoning data have confirmed many of my ideas. This strengthened my motivation to share these cohesive principles to help people accomplish their full potential and live better. This is the first book that synthesizes the latest, exciting research in this field and offers a coherent picture. What kept you focused for seven years on this project? When I started this work, I realized that it was going to take a long time to learn about all aspects of the necessary science. Consciousness science is related to many fields, such as neuroscience, biochemistry, physics, psychology, social sciences and others, which makes it overwhelming. Nevertheless, I decided to pursue it with a single-minded focus.

What is your definition of consciousness?

Consciousness is the awareness of being separate from the environment. This requires a brain that can regulate its own state independent of the physical world. Thus, birds and mammals have consciousness, which allows them to develop a sophisticated social life.

How does the brain form our inner world?

The brain forms an isolated system because interaction only occurs with the outside world via the sensory organs. This way, the brain can self-regulate itself based on entropy. Entropy is a difficult concept, even for scientists. But in its purest form, entropy is the ability for interaction, which is only possible when the brain is in its ground or resting state. The functioning brain always recovers this state automatically.

What are emotions?

Emotions are the energy states of the brain and the forces of interaction.

How do you classify emotions?

Via interaction with the environment, the brain becomes an increasingly better projection of the physical world, This is the reason, the lion can catch the antelope, and the basketball player can score a hoop without studying the physics of motion. We develop an intuitive understanding of gravity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. The brain operation reflects this understanding. Therefore, emotions can be classified as the temporal equivalents of gravity and electromagnetism.

What is the quantum mind?

The quantum mind recognizes that the brain develops thoughts, ideas according to the laws of quantum mechanics. Since the nineteen-eighties, it has been known that words the brain produces associations according to the requirements of quantum mechanics, specifically entanglement. Decisions have a contextual nature, also a quantum mechanical character. But the same observations are valid in sociology.

What is emotional gravity?

General relativity recognized that gravity is the result of the curvature of the spatial field. Likewise, temporal gravity results from the flow or availability of time. As enhanced gravity leads to a difficulty of movement and pressure, emotional gravity is a temporal pressure, the challenge of making decisions.

What is the most important advice you would give to people?

You cannot control your emotions, but you can master them.

Press Release

Press release short

Eva Deli’s ‘The Power of emotions’ is a how-to book based on the author’s previous work, ‘The Science of Consciousness.’ It explains emotions for a broad audience. Endorsed by experts in the field, this synthesis of neuroscience and psychology gives you a front-row seat into the latest scientific breakthroughs. Based on the science of brain organization it also formulates seasoned guiding principles for success and a better life.

Press release long

The American BRAIN Initiative in the US, the  Human Brain Project in Europe, Brain/MINDS project, the China Brain Project in Japan and the brain project in China represent unprecedented government efforts to support brain research. The enormous financial support generates a massive flow of scientific publications and groundbreaking research. However, the conclusions from all this data have not been filtered down to the general audience until now. ‘The Power of Emotions by Eva Deli separates the wheat from the chaff. The book synthesizes this bulging literature into a coherent and practical story of ‘How the brain Produces Attitude.’ Written for a general audience, this work takes you on an intellectual adventure and answers questions, such as what emotions are and how to achieve intellectual excellence. It shows why we avoid eye contact in the elevator, how to achieve goals, what is the importance and essence of love and more. Throughout human history, the overwhelming majority of people could not rise above the brutal struggle of survival. Today, we can relax by watching television, using the internet, sports, and other entertainment. However, the availability of free time did not bring happiness and contentment. In fact, the occurrence of anxiety and depression has increased worldwide. Depression, anxiety, and eating disorders isolate people. For many, seeing a therapist has become a regular part of social functioning. How to find meaning, truth, hope, and wholeness in our everyday existence starts from an understanding of who we are as people and society. Fifty years ago anyone could drive. Today, driving a car requires a license. We use our mind intuitively, using emotional coping mechanisms inherited from the home environment that might have worked in the time of struggle for basic necessities. Today, these outdated coping mechanisms compromise the ability to form loving relationships. We are living through a global mental-health epidemic, with increasing rates of depression and anxiety. Without goals and fulfillment, jobs provide no satisfaction. Busyness and overscheduled daily routines turn the mind dependent on constant information flow and the adrenaline rush of being busy. However, the constant switch of focus serves only transient gratification; it leaves behind vulnerability and mental hunger. The occurrence of mental diseases and the high suicide rate testifies about the importance of finding meaning that has personal and social relevance. My book gives the understanding to recognize people’s motivation and inner lives better and become a positive force in society. It provides the motivation for moral conduct and offers the tools to turn your life around and reach your full potential and fulfill your dreams.

Sell Sheet

The Power of Emotions: How the brain forms an attitude Author: Eva Déli Non-fiction $17.50 ($4.50 ebook) Synopsis

‘From Emotions to Intellect’ is a how-to book based on the scientific hypothesis introduced in the 2015 work, ‘The Science of Consciousness.’ The book introduces the brain as a self-regulating system, operating according to physical principles. It brings together ideas from philosophy, religion, ethics, neuroscience, and physics into a comprehensive and coherent read, which entertains as well as informs. The book aligns itself with age-old religious and philosophic wisdom but offers arguments drawn from cutting-edge scientific research. The book’s unique viewpoint gives a novel perspective on emotions and their role in regulating our social relationships. Written for a general audience as a practical guide for better living, simplified brain anatomy places the discussion into context. It shows how the brain gives rise to consciousness and the mind. For example, a well-argued and extensive scientific literature indicates that quantum mechanics describes human thought processes and decision making. Emotions are the energy states of the brain that motivate behavior and interaction with the outside world. The book offers a classification of emotions, and it explains their role in individual conduct. Finally, based on the understanding of emotions as forces of social behavior, it provides a scientific explanation for observations in human psychology, such as passive aggression, the uncertainty of behavior or why we avoid eye contact in the elevator. This understanding makes it possible to recognize people’s motivation and inner lives better and to become a positive force in society. The final chapter offers a series of suggestions on how to achieve mental excellence. The book gives intuitive answers to questions such as: How does the brain create the mind? What is consciousness, what are emotions, and how are emotions regulated? Do we have free will? What is the scientific basis of karma? How to manage our lives better?

How to improve our relationships? Thirty black and white illustrations aid understanding of the ideas presented in the book. The chapters of the book are: Chapter one: The Brain Chapter two: From brain to the Mind Chapter three: What are emotions? Chapter four: Mind, Your Behavior Chapter five: Mind over SELF / Compromised behavior Chapter six: The social mind Chapter seven: Success boosters ISBN: Formats paperback, hardcover, and ebook Retail availability Thumbnail cover: Testimonials Excerpt (first chapter)


Eva Deli is a consultant in brain physics and cognitive science research. She is the author of the 2015 book, ‘The Science of Consciousness’ and coauthor of ‘Is Reality a Simulation?’ published in 2018. She writes a popular blog ‘The science of consciousness.’ Her coherent approach toward consciousness, emotions, and behavior was aided by her extensive background in molecular biology research. Her upcoming book, ‘The power of emotions: How the brain forms attitude’ is the first cohesive methodology toward synthesizing current scientific research in neuroscience and physiology toward understanding consciousness and emotions.’ The work is also based on the scientific hypothesis introduced in ‘The Science of Consciousness’ published in 2015. Based on hard science, the book is written for a general audience and aims to be a practical guide for better living. It brings together ideas from philosophy, religion, ethics, neuroscience, physics, engineering, and cosmology into a comprehensive and coherent read, which entertains as well as it informs. The book aligns itself with age-old religious and philosophic wisdom, but it is supported by cutting-edge scientific research. How does the brain create the mind? It offers a new understanding not found anywhere else but gives you a new perspective on your own emotions and the emotions of those around you. Such insight will permit you to view your life as a sailboat that can utilize the best wind for its journey in life. Moreover, it will allow you to perceive the motivation of others, giving you a rare ability to become a positive force in society.